
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oh... it's on.

At this time in my life, I have come to a significant realization.  I am starting to realize how much my life has truly been attacked by Satan because he has tried to prevent so many blessings in my life.  I've sat back and whined, been a wimp, no fighting back but I've laid there, feeling defeated and insignificant.  I've complained more than I've prayed.  I've laid down more than fighting for what I want.

I never realized how often I had allowed that to happen until now.... and now I am fighting back.

I refuse to give up, I refuse to feel defeated and run over.  I will fight for my blessings!  God is good, He longs to bless us, He wants to provide and take care of us, He wants to see us live in joy and peace!!!  Yes there will be trials but we have to walk through those with God, trusting that He knows best.

I have allowed Satan to steal my childhood!  I've allowed him to steal my joy, my courage, my family, my friends, attempting to steal my future, my future husband and children and generations to come!  I've seen him attack my self-esteem and steal my joy!  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!  {This is me on fire!!!!} 

He is like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour.  We forget that so often!  He may devour.  He doesn't do it unless we allow him to.  OMGosh!  The power that lives within us as believers enables us to fight back!    

I can not even describe to you how angry I am at Satan!!!  I hate him for the attacks on my life and my future!  I will fight back.  I will pray and watch God restore everything!  God will restore everything!  I will pray and see God work miracles and bring blessings and promises to pass without the hinderances that have been there before that I've struggled with for so freakin' long.

I have allowed him to steal my joy and my confidence, forgetting who I am in God and this has affected all my relationships!!!  Relationships with friends, with family, with men.  Everything he has tried to take from me, I'm taking back.

Ohhhh..... it's on.

1 comment:

Jenny H said...

Glad to see you walk at the Victor instead of the Victim! Love you girl and I am in your corner for this fight! MUAH!

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