
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Humpty Dumpty

This past week has been rough.  I feel a little like Humpty Dumpty....broken and lying on the ground waiting for God to pick me up.  You may know what I'm talking about. 

Have you ever had someone reject you? 
Have you had someone that you love not be able to handle correction or instruction that's for their good? 
Have you had someone make you feel worthless and easily replaceable? {everything that contradicts God's word}

Satan had his game plan set for me to struggle with worry and doubt for the past month.  I've been debating whether or not to be involved with a particular group.  I've doubted participating because of the hardships that I had last year.  I've prayed for particular people - for God to give me wisdom.  This has been a very hard week.  I have felt like everything I've done has been pointless and made no difference at all.  "Friends" who know about it {because they saw it} still have yet to call me.  {just read the previous post on distant friendships and THAT is why i distance myself}. 

I have officially watched as Satan has used individuals to cause division in the body of Christ.  God has already told me that they will again cause a divide where there is supposed to be unity as brothers and sisters in Christ. I know that others are going to have a hard time and God has specifically told me to pray for them, and I will. 

Since my life has been flipped upside-down recently, I have had multiple people approach me about my value being in Christ and not in these things.  These individuals do not know each other, yet both have reaffirmed my faith.  {truly a blessing i really needed to hear}  God has given me a sweet peace and comfort through this but it's still hard.  It comforts me to know that He is faithful and good to those who love Him, to know that I'm completely surrounded by His love!  THAT is my joy.  And only that. 

{one of the many scripture readings this week}
"I am the vine; you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." ~ john 15:5

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