
Monday, August 1, 2011

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda...

I truly enjoy reading other blogs and there are some marvelous ideas floating around out there that are just waiting to be copied onto my page. I copied this one from here and made it my own… of course her blog is always more entertaining…. but heck I try. Happy blogging!

I can’t…

Have lactose without getting a belly ache, stay up past midnight without getting cranky, see without contacts or glasses, play tennis or sand volleyball, say "oil, boil, monster, naked, or self-conscience" correctly, listen to Paula Dean talk,  flirt, sing about God and feel sad at the same time.

But I can…
hit a softball, run long distances, cook, drive anything, sing along to most Disney movies,  sound like a real monkey and a llama,  do the Roger Rabbit,  do great research,  let my facial expressions and body language speak for me (and get me in trouble),  speak whale,  learn squirrel,  walk out of the mall without buying anything! It’s like my superpower!!!

I won’t…
talk to your pet bird, eat at Taco Bell, tell you I like your new haircut or outfit if I don’t {it's for your own good}, pay more than $25 for a shirt, eat lima beans,  do the electric slide, waste money on magazines, drink anything with Splenda,  strongly pursue a man - i cherish chivalry and pray for it in my husband.

But I will…
love you, support you, encourage you and never belittle you, clap my hands and jump up and down when I get excited, always love hugs and kisses {for the most part},  laugh at myself, make silly faces when taking pictures just because I think it’s more interesting, laugh loudly and snort at the most inappropriate times, do the cabbage patch just to embarrass you,  try my best to act like a lady, make fun of Shakira, always sing in the car {especially when no one is around}, love and pray for each of the children and families I meet. 

I shouldn’t….
consume enough white chocolate that would feed a small village,  give my opinion as often as I do {at least I have one}, stay up late, hold grudges, get frustrated with things that I can’t control,  get upset when I get lost… it’s not like it helps me find my way,  let negative people influence me,  dwell on the past,  be so stubborn.

I should…
make a video of me dancing to find out if they’re laughing with me or at me, save up money for New Zealand,  tell my mom how I really feel, be on time for everything… I’ve gotten much better but still I should be on time no matter what, learn to dance in the rain,  travel more,  hold fast to the calling God has on me to work with orphans somehow,  and of course.... I should learn to smile more,  laugh more and love more.

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