
Monday, November 21, 2011

Showing grace can be SO hard sometimes....

The other week was so long and exhausting.  I worked longer hours than normal because of some new supplies to gather for curriculum, with so much typing I felt like my fingers would fall off and my brain was starting to hurt from so much thinking and analyzing all the details. 

I. was. exhausted. 

I later went out and as I'm on my way to this "event" I pull into the wrong parking lot.  I stumble, walking to the door only to find it locked and no one to let me in.  Then I have to walk back to my car, with my legs in pain to drive around to correct parking area.  While on my way, this car cuts me off in the parking lot. 

I honked to let them know that I almost hit them because they cut over with no notice, no blinker.  They didn't look where they were going, so I honked.  I promise, I did not lay on the horn and I really don't think I was rude, I was just telling them 'hey you need to watch out.'

So I go in to order pizza, because I've been up since 6:30 a.m. and all I had was coffee and a crossiant and at this time it is now about 6:00 p.m.  I was SO very hungry.  I found some change in my purse and went to order a slice only to have the SAME group of inconsiderate girls cut ahead of me in line and take the last of the pizza.

I wish I was kidding. 

Let's just say I was not very happy and not feeling like being very friendly and nice to anyone, particularly to them.  I was already exhausted and very hungry, which honestly makes me moody.  They weren't exactly helping.  Later on that evening, I sit down to read some scripture and make myself some nice little notes.... and find the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart "show the same grace that I have given you." 

Well.... Dangit.  That's not exactly what I wanted to hear.  It was much easier to just feel frustrated and to give some chics the evil eye.  So here I am, writing about this conviction in my heart.  It reminds me of the prayer Jesus teaches us to pray... the key verse that sticks out to me now is Matthew 6:12:

"Forgive us our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors." 

So, I suppose this is an answer to my prayer that I had actually prayed early that morning...

"God make me the woman You want me to be.... as I am so not, I'm so imperfect, evil and selfish, and I need You to help me.  Make me over." 

So this is Him at work.  I'm glad I can recognize it.  

1 comment:

Jenny H said...

thanks for sharing girl. luv u!

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