
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Where am I going???

"so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well." 1 Thessalonians 2:8

These precious children are part of the Kory Wawanaca Children's Home. This is where I will be going on the mission trip in July!  The children's home is located deep in the Andes Mountains in Tacachia.  Please "LIKE" their Facebook page and show them support and make sure you look through all the sweet pictures of the kids. They're precious!  You can also visit their website at

These pictures are from the facebook page, I don't have any of my own yet, but will post plenty by the time I get back.

If you can please support us through prayer - praying for our team as we travel and work together.  If you are able to support me financially on the trip, that would be a wonderful blessing too. 

Please make your checks payable to Matthews UMC and in the “memo” section indicate "July 2013 - Bolivia - Autumn."  Gifts to the church, with an expression of a preference for trip expenses, are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  If for some reason I an unable to participate in the trip, your gifts will be used to support this mission program.

Please know your support is very much appreciated.   You can send the check to the church office:

Matthews United Methodist Church
801 South Trade Street
Matthews, NC  28105
Attn:  Becky Stegall

Thank you so much for all your past support and your prayers as we continue we share the light into this darkened part of the world.
May God continue to bless you and your family now and always.

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