I've heard the question many times, "if God is such a loving God, why is there suffering and pain?"
I have dealt with many situations in my life that have made me ask that question. Situations such as when a young friend was taken in tragic motorcycle accident, friends hit by drunk drivers, family members were in horrible/almost fatal car accidents and loosing my Papaw to cancer. Sometimes it's hard to still have hope, but at the end of the day, I still believe in a Savior that is faithful and good. I believe in a God who has felt every pain we feel and comforts us through those difficult times. Why do I believe this? Is it just blind hope?
Please do not take what I'm about to say the wrong way. Please do not think in any way that I am minimizing someone's pain. I just ask myself - why do so many of us experience pain? Then again, why not? It seems I feel entitled to goodness and the easy life with no suffering. Could it be that my view of God is this - that whatever god I serve, He should give me exactly what I want and when he doesn't live up to my expectations, then I no longer believe or trust him? Because in my mind, that is what I think God should be? He should do everything I ask, just like a genie and when he doesn't, he has failed me. Why is my perception of God so... off?
So, why is there suffering? I obviously don't have all the answers. My belief is that sin entered this world thousands of years ago and continues to destroy lives. I still believe God is sovereign and loving. I believe He knows more than me and there is a greater, more beautiful plan than what I can see. I grew up in an abusive home... why? Because people have free will and make poor choices. Why did I watch my friend die from a motorcycle accident? I don't know, maybe God wanted him more than I did.
I don't know why God chooses to do certain things or why He allows things to happen. But I know that my Savior suffered for me.
He was spat upon, whipped by metal belts that dug into his back and ripped the skin off.
He was stripped naked and forced to carry a cross meant for a common criminal.
He was nailed to a cross and died for me as a sacrifice for my sin.
He rose again on the third day, conquering death and fulfilling all prophecies of a Savior for all humanity.
He took on all our sin... while we were still sinners.
I know that because of this... my Savior knows pain.
He understands our sufferings and our weaknesses. And through the blood on the cross, He heals.
He mends our brokenness, He dries our tears and heals our deepest wounds.
Through the cross is peace. And because of Him, I can live... even with all the suffering in the world.
He is not my genie. He is my God.
"If you base your view of God’s love on your circumstances, you will become confused. There may be times when you will ask, “How could a loving God allow this to happen to me?” You may begin to question what you find clearly stated in the Word of God. God promised that you would never be separated from His love; He did not say that you would never face hardship, persecution, poverty, or danger. If you doubt that God could love you and still allow you to experience difficult experiences, consider the life of Jesus." –Henry Blackaby
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1 comment:
You may want to check out Lee Strobell's "The Case for Faith" (I've got the book and the movie). In it, he addresses that very issue - the question of "How can there be a loving God when there is so much pain and suffering in the world?" He seemed to address it in a similar way as you stating that He KNOWS suffering and pain because He has been through it all Himself.
I feel that without allowing some level of human pain and suffering while we live on Earth, there would be no compassion for others nor would there be the appreciation for the blessings He has given us. We might have taken our blessed lives for granted. I know that I'll probably never be thankful enough for my life. How many times have I taken having food to eat and a roof over my head for granted when I KNOW that there are so many others who don't have food or shelter... who don't even know when or where their next meal will come from? Maybe God allows pain and suffering to give us more opportunities to praise Him. We praise Him when we are grateful for our blessings AND when we help others in need. Sure there are natural disasters and other events that cause pain and suffering... but think of all the outpouring of assistance that is given by people, expecting nothing in return, to show compassion and mercy for those who suffer. We might not have been able to show compassion for others had we not gone through it ourselves. It is the same with God - how could He know what it means to be compassionate had He not experienced pain and suffering for himself by coming to Earth and dying on the cross in the most brutal way possible?
Of course, God probably COULD have removed pain and suffering if he wanted to... but that would take away our free will as humans to choose right or wrong... and we would all be as puppets not having any special purpose in our lives. We were all given the option to choose because He loves us. Forced love is not love at all - you can't truly love someone until you are given the option not to.
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