
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Pearl

“A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life.  It is the tear {that results} from the injury of the oyster.  The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life.  If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl.”  - Stephan Hoeller

We often refer to something or someone as a pearl when it is cherished, rare and valuable.  It makes sense to refer to someone you love as a pearl, but what if we changed that around?  What if we saw them {and ourselves} as the oyster and our hearts as the pearl?  Look closer at the oyster.  It really is beautiful, but it endures so much tormoil just to make something so valuable inside. 

Pearls from the sea are much more valuable than freshwater pearls.  Pearls form because the oyster has an invader, a microscopic parasite that enters in and settles in the shell.  The rim of the pearl shell is fragile and is prone to injury, it needs to protect itself.  Little creatures such as crabs and worms may invade the oyster and can injure the pearl, but this small group of cells/tissue find a way to protect themselves by forming a safe haven called a pearl sac.  A pearl sac is a group of cells that form a small packet for protection so that it can continue to grow, and as they grow, the pearl grows.  Over time, it moves and the pearl sac travels into the shell and a beautiful pearl will form and hopefully found by someone who will cherish it. 

I am trying to look at this a little differently.  I see myself as a small oyster in a big ocean, being attacked and struggling through difficult times, but my trust is placed in my Heavenly Father.  He is my safe haven, my fortress.  He sees me as valuable and cherishes me as a Father loves his daughter.  I have some close friends that have gone through unbearable struggles, having everything taken from them.... yet they still shine. 
They still have a luster about them that is rare and beautiful. 

I see them as strong, courageous oysters and their hearts are beautiful pearls.  The oyster may go through hard times, worms may try to destroy it, but when we hide our hearts in God, we find our safe haven.  Just like the pearl sac protects the pearl so that it can grow.  The pearl grows and becomes more beautiful over time.  Hopefully it is only found by someone who will cherish it and recognize it's worth. 

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