NAMES - I have pondered this many times and I just thought I’d like to share my thoughts on this little blog. First, let me ask, why is it that parents, particularly Christian parents come up with the hard to pronounce, no-meaning-at-all names? Or they pick a name only for the simple {poor} reason that “it’s Biblical” without ever reading about the true meaning of the name?
For centuries, the meaning behind a person's name is very important. It's something they live up to. Names are considered one of those choices that you are to make with a sober mind and careful consideration. This brings me to my next question… why do people feel the urge to get super creative and pull some name out of their butt? {sorry for the bluntness} But seriously, please explain this to me. If you don't care about the meaning behind the name and if you are not a Christian, then I completely understand that I shouldn't expect you to honor your child with the name you choose. If you do care and especially if you are a Christian believer, I ask you to choose a name with careful consideration.
A name is important. Even God Himself renamed people throughout the Bible because of their calling and purpose. Children live up to the name you give them. No question. They will. They always do.
People in the Bible even changed their names to show of the type of person they were “becoming.” Think about it… in Ruth 1:20, Naomi says,
“She said to them, “Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me.”
It’s not a uplifting example, but it proves my point. God changed people’s names too… from Abram to Abraham, and Sarai to Sarah. It was as if He was giving them a new identity {as if the old were being washed away}. Sarai means “Princess” but God changed it to Sarah which means “mother of many nations.” This is huge! God was changing her name because of His promise to give her a child. I read that and think, this is like God saying I made a promise, I am faithful, I am who I say I AM and I stake my claim of this promise to you. Every time you are spoken of from now on as your new name Sarah, it’s a reminder of this promise being fulfilled!Why was God re-naming people? I see it as God was giving them a name that fit their calling and purpose, it was a new identity, a new mission, a new outlook and hope for what was to come.
This is simply just my opinion based on scriptures and what I've learned. I'm tired of trying to pronounce these really hard names with no meaning behind them. I'm tired of trying to hold in my laughter when someone introduces their child "Asshole." {I'm not kidding}.
All this said, I don't mean to offend and this is only my opinion. Take it for what it's worth, but I firmly believe names are very important. Please do not name your child any of the following:
Princess – it is ridiculously unprofessional to see this on a future resume and I can’t call anyone that.
Delilah – didn’t she lure men to her lustfully in sin?
Cain – killed his brother
Judas – do I really need to explain this?
Jehovah – mmm… there’s only One and it ain't your kid.
Ham – Hello lunchmeat?
Shem – just no.
Jezebel - you really want your child to live up to this?
Lorelai - it’s not Biblical, but according to Greek mythology, she was a siren that lured sailors to a watery grave.
Adolf – not a Biblical name, but why would you name your child after a crazy man who murdered millions of people.
{You may laugh but it is true that these are actual names that some people like… or maybe they know that they aren’t good names and they just want to torture their own children?}
Scooter or Skeeter - are we Hillbillys?
Jacob – I know this is a popular name, but it means “Trickster and deceiver." I've had so many babysitting jobs, I can tell you for sure, they live up to the name!
Any thoughts? Humor me, please.
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