
Thursday, July 20, 2017

My Healing

“Perfect love casts our all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.” 1 John 4:18

 “Put away all harsh words, all evil thinking… and forgive as Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:31 – 32

“I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:16 – 21

So many scriptures on my mind lately. This week, I’ve been digging through Ephesians 2 – 4 and some of Genesis 22 to read about Abraham and his complete trust and surrender to God. It’s encouraging to read about this great man of faith; he KNEW God would do all that He promised. He always fulfills His promises.

This has been a hard year… it’s honestly been a hard for a while. A lot of heartbreak in relationships, friendships, and family.

Over the past few years, I have changed quite a bit, in some good ways, and not so good ways. {But better days ahead}. To briefly share and yet not dwell on things - I’ve had more bullies in my life more as an adult than as a child. Abusive home as a kid. I worked in a verbally abusive environment a few years ago, and before that I was constantly in interaction with this girl who was a bully within my close group of friends. I’ve been in relationship after relationship with men/men-who-aren’t-really-men-and-act-like-boys. Men who are careless with my heart. Constantly getting my heart broken and feeling I’m just not quite good enough. Almost… but not quite. Led on in relationships where they really wanted someone else.

My family life is not healthy. I struggle with a desire to spend more time with those I love so very much, yet we constantly butt heads. And I still feel like I should try because they’re family and I love them. It’s just hard to have a conversation with someone whose normal speaking volume is so loud I need earplugs. I disagree with lifestyles and decisions and it makes no difference. Marriages within my family are struggling, people are hurting, and all I can do is pray. I don’t have the answers. It’s heartbreaking.

Wow. Being very vulnerable on here. Bet you didn’t know all this, huh? 

And over time…. Oh time. Dear time, you pass by so quickly and as life gets busy, my wounds are left unattended. Anger builds up. I run when I’m hurt. I don’t know what to say, so I run. Yes, I think I’m good. No worries here. I think I’m healthy and all is well. And I truly have been "ok."

But why can’t I be more than just ok? Why can’t I be really good? And healthy and at peace? 

In reality, I’m wounded. I’m bleeding.

But at this very moment now, I’m completely surrendered.

See, even after all these years, I still hadn’t allowed God to heal me.  have held onto anger. Ephesians 4 teaches us to put away all anger and not give Satan a foothold, yet that's exactly what I've done. 

I love God. I’ve been a Christian for years. I thought things were good! I’m good! I’ve talked about my past. I’ve prayed. I’ve talked about my present… I’m healed, right?! No. Everything has affected me more deeply than I let on. And all the arrows of my past were never pulled out. The wounds were never tended to... at least not by the ONE who I needed to call upon. 

I was praying last night and God showed me something. I was physically sitting up in my bed, but what I was seeing was a picture of myself bowed over in pain. I saw arrows all over me. Some in my heart, some in my back, my chest, my side. Some were rusted and flaking off onto the ground. Some were red and covered in blood. Some were white and pierced cleanly into me, very sharp.

And there was Jesus pulling each one out and speaking to me – “I see you. I know you. These are deep, but My love is deeper. My love is greater. I love you. Let me heal you. You block your own blessing. Trust Me. Trust Me.”

I have constantly held things back from God. I won’t just release things to Him because in reality I don’t trust Him. Does anyone else feel this way? Do you wrestle with truly trusting God? Do you believe He knows best? Or are you like me, trying to make things happen the way you think they should? And in your stupidity, you even justify your actions? 

For me, I think when you experience so much heartbreak, when you live with people you think would protect you, but actually abuse you…. your view of God is distorted. There are things I’ve believed for you, but not for myself. These wounds can be healed and restored, but for years this perception has caused more pain than anything else.

I haven’t fully trusted Him. Until Now. 

I was reading a lot about Abraham this week. Not a coincidence as I am praying through this surrender. So, I’ll end on this note….

Let it go. Let go of anger. Let go of hurt. Be free. Surrender. Surrender to Him and rest.

Let it go and trust that God is perfect, Sovereign and good… so very, very good. Better than you think He is.

Trust Him. He didn’t orchestrate all that pain. He didn’t. He’s good. He just wants you to Trust Him.

I've truly never loved Him like this before. It's beautiful and new. #freedom

He wants me to trust Him. He wants you to trust Him. Remember He is for you. Not against you. He is good and He loves you. I'm having to remind myself of this... and that He is completely the opposite of all the hate i have seen. That isn't Him. He is good. 

Like Abraham walking up the mountain, my heart completely trust in knowing God will provide and He will take care of me. He just asks me to surrender... to trust. And in that, I can rest. I am healed. I am blessed. I am enough. He is all i need. 

Satan, you can bow out now. Actually, i command it. Thanks. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The About Me List - Play Along!

Today I decided I wanted to reflect on the quirkiness of who I am. I remember how I used to see these FB posts where my friends would share a list of all these cool, fun, quirky facts about themselves. No one on FB has done this in a while (years) and i really miss reading them! So, I'm kicking it off with a hope that you will play along and do the same. :) Let me know if any of these also apply to you. 

1. I love movies from the 80s - 90s such as BIG, What About Bob?, Can't Buy Me Love, Loverboy, Princess Bride, Ferris Bueller, Goonies, and Weekend at Bernies.  

2. I have a deep love for star gazing. Anytime, anywhere, just ask. 

3. My sense of direction is almost non-existent. 

4. I hold my pen the "incorrect" way, but i can't correct it now. 

I was in two legitimate fights as a kid, yet never got kicked out of school. 

6. I used to think a manual or stick shift of a car was also termed as a "stiff." 

7. For a long time (at least 2 years) I called Wifi, the "WeeFee." {Yes, go ahead and laugh}

8. I was in an intense discipleship program called Master's Commission in college {Google it}. We spent a lot of time together in our little community learning scripture. We traveled the U.S. speaking at churches, writing and performing skits and "human videos." 

9. I'm a soprano II (or alto I depending on the music). I love singing and i play piano, but i can't do both at the same time. I was in a small traveling choir in college called Ladies of Lee. 

10. I'm scared to do a flip because I just know i'll hit my head and need stitches. 

11. I received "The Silliest" award in my college dorm. Simmons Hall rocks!  

12. My primary love languages are quality time and words of affirmation - time spent really connecting with someone - laughing and having genuine conversations.

13. Over the years, I have learned that I'm more high maintenance than I once thought. :) good luck future hubby. 

14. I love when people initiate things and invite me. I'm 60% introvert {some extrovert tendencies - INFP/INFJ}.  

15. I went to Health Camp as a kid. Whenever i tell people that, they have no clue what i'm talking about. 
I loved all my health and anatomy classes in school. It fascinates me how the human body works. 

16. I've struggled with loneliness throughout my life and few people know how hard (how deep) this struggle really is.  

17. Improper grammar annoys me. You're is not the same as your. To is different than too and two.  Specific is different than Pacific.  Affect and effect mean two different things. And this new thing where people write "dat be" and "fraid of ah" and "this gyal is tunda" - that's not a language! It makes me cringe. Learn English, learn Spanish or French or Korean - anything that's a legitimate language, but stop trying to make one up and expect me to understand. 

18. As a runner, I am strangely proud of my beat-up feet. At times, I wish they were dainty with a beautiful pedicure, but after you run 13 miles, who cares? 

19. I'm gluten free and dairy free, and because of that I am now asthma free with very little allergies. 

20. I finished my second half marathon this past November with no inhaler and completely cured of asthma. My time was 2:02:35 and I'm very happy with that. 

21. I always wanted to be like the "cool kids" - the dancers and the cheerleaders - but that's simply not who I am. And I fully embrace who I am - nerdiness and all. :)  

22. The best burger I've ever had was called the Basque burger while i was in PARIS traveling with a good friend. 

23. I went zip-lining through the Appalachian mountains = one of the best days ever. 

24. I went cliff jumping within my first week of college. 

25. I was slightly chased by a goat in the Dominican. 

26. I hopped on a mo-ped with a stranger and drove through crazy traffic in the Dominican. 

27. I love both mountains and the beach, but the mountains are my favorite. They're beautiful and full of vibrant color, and the stars are brighter! {Plus the temperature is 10x better}. 

28. My heart longs to do missions, but God has closed that door. I'm patiently waiting to see what will happen and where God will lead me next. 

29. I love photography and understand cameras pretty well, but if you put me in front of a slow computer and ask me to fix the problem, i just want to scream. 

30. I came to know Christ in a wonderful Pentecostal church which I still love dearly. However, if I could encourage them to change one thing within the denomination, it would be to teach more about grace

31. I am not a fan of "know-it-alls" that close their minds and remain in their ignorance. I respect those more that humble themselves to listen, ask questions, and be teachable. I truly hope I can be a lifelong learner. 

32. When I was little, my mom lost me in the grocery store because I was really sleepy and randomly decided to lay down for a nap on top of the toilet paper stacks. It was the softest spot to lay down. :) 

33. When I first got contacts I only needed one. My mom called me Cyclops. {still makes me laugh}

I have a burden for children, especially those in poverty and slavery. Something new stirring deep in my heart these last few months has been a bigger burden for the persecuted church. 

This year has so far been a season of a beautiful, deep struggle. God is nudging me to know myself and fully embrace who I am. He is teaching me so much about me and about Him. I love who I am and how He designed me - even the deepest parts. And I love Him even more. 

That's all I can think of for now! I hope you play along and post some fun facts about yourself! :) 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

It's not about me

You can be sure that I have heard the groans of the people of Israel, who are now slaves to the Egyptians. And I am well aware of my covenant with them.
“Therefore, say to the people of Israel: ‘I am the Lord. I will free you from your oppression and will rescue you from your slavery in Egypt. I will redeem you with a powerful arm and great acts of judgment. I will claim you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God who has freed you from your oppression in Egypt. I will bring you into the land I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I will give it to you as your very own possession. I am the Lord!’”
So Moses told the people of Israel what the Lord had said, but they refused to listen anymore. They had become too discouraged by the brutality of their slavery. Exodus 6:5 – 9

I have had my heart set on this scripture for a while, pondering it, and wrestling with why it seems significant to me. Why is God showing me this? There's so much depth to this scripture and i can only go into a portion of it now. One thing I see, one thing i finally get is...  I am an Israelite. 

The things of this world can enslave us and hold us down. I can be the negative, non-believing Israelite. I am His child. My Father God tells me His promises, He reassures me of His love, He tenderly speaks to my heart confirming His promises again and again, yet I walk in disbelief.

As it happened with the Israelites, sometimes the brutality of life can wear us down so much that we can’t see the next step. And we choose to become so distraught, we lose our hope.  

I have often thought that HOPE was about holding on tightly. Holding on with everything in me! Holding on with all my strength! It’s not. Hope is about letting go and letting the ONE who is perfect work it out and I just get to be me.

So, what is it that I’ve been missing? How does that scripture relate?  

Well, to put it quite frankly – it’s not about me.
Maybe you are like me in some ways. I’ve focused hard on ministry, work, my needs, my desires, my dreams, my feelings… And I forget who it is that is behind it all and what really matters. It’s not about me. It’s about HIM.

Those dreams, those desires, those passions are gifts from Him. I just need to trust.

In this scripture, God is telling Moses {Paraphrased}, ‘I’ve heard the cries of My people. They belong to Me. I see their struggle. I see their tears. I hear their prayers. They are not forgotten. They are not ignored. It’s just been a matter of time and the time has come. I will do a mighty work and they will know I am the Lord their God.’

More times than I’d like to admit, I’ve felt completely ignored by God. I have felt forgotten. I’ve wondered if He sees me at all. In the scriptures above, God reminds Moses of who He is. He repeatedly says,
I am the Lord.
I will free you…
I will redeem you…
I will rescue you…
I will claim you as My own…
I will.

Did you see that? I will… I will… It’s not about you. It’s not about me.
It’s about HIM.

So maybe we stop holding on to what we think our life is supposed to look like and let go. Have hope in the ONE who knows us inside-out, every detail of our being, every hair on our head, every wrinkle on our skin. Trust in the ONE whose ways are perfect.

He wants to do something so great and so wonderful that we can’t mistake that it is only by HIS hand.

Dwell on His truth. Take Him at His word. Read His truth continually so that His words become so engrained in your mind that you don’t give the enemy a foothold. 

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
The oppression of the enemy fights us, wearing us down. I have to remind myself of God's promises and rest in Him. I choose to focus on His truth and speak boldly against the fear of the enemy. I choose LOVE. I choose to let go and HOPE. I have a perfect, holy Creator God who loves me beyond my comprehension. And He works things out for the good of those that truly love Him. {Romans 8} I believe He will do things in such a way that there is no other explanation for His work, so that HE alone gets the glory.

He only asks me to seek Him first. Seek the kingdom of God first. And so, I let go.
It’s not about me.

Some things in life may seem impossible. Things may seem to never end. Maybe you feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

There is. It is Him.

There’s so much more depth to this scripture and that will come later. I will let this soak in for now.  

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Perfect love casts out fear

I have been spending a lot more time at the piano lately. I used to play a lot when I was a kid, for hours actually. I loved the sound that each note made and I was fascinated that the sounds could blend so beautifully with just a touch. And I would sing and sing and sing!

My life right now has been flipped around. It’s not a bad thing, but it’s hard. It’s very hard. For a while, I was failing to realize how much I allow fear to affect me. It’s a paralyzing fear aiming for perfection, being what people expect instead of, well… instead of me.

I go through phases where I’ll feel confident and secure and I’m truly being myself. It’s a wonderful feeling to be free and not care! I love it! I feel free, and wonderfully weird and loved! It’s beautiful! I laugh loud and I speak my mind. I fully love those around me and embrace them. I feel genuine and free! 

Then fear creeps in. Ugly, disruptive FEAR. It puts me at a stand-still. I want to leap and I can’t. I’m hindered and holding back. There are many things God has been showing me lately and one is this:

Our fight is not against human beings. It is against the rulers, the authorities and the powers of this dark world. It is against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly world. Ephesians 6:12

Fear can control a lot when we let it. It hinders us, it hinders relationships... with people and with God Himself. It keeps us from taking that step toward what we truly want, it keeps us from fully loving others, it keeps us from embracing who we really are and who we’re created to be. This fear is not from God. I hate fear. I hate how the enemy works. I’m beginning to see his sneaky tactics. I hate how Satan creeps in slowly with fear without us even realizing what he’s doing… and before you know it, it’s too late! The fear is overwhelming. He infuriates me.

Today I was playing piano and I’ve been asked to play many times for people and I turn them down. I’ve been asked to sing and I turn them down. I just recently started playing for the children’s choir at church and it’s nerve-wracking for me. God has to truly cover me before I go up there! I worry about missing a note. I freak if I get off beat! It takes me forever to learn music. I feel like this horrible amateur who is trying to be better than what I really am. I’m trying so hard to not mess up!!

I like to go alone to play piano and sing. No one can hear (I don’t think). It’s my worship time. Sometimes I end up in tears, sometimes I end up swaying and singing, sometimes I don’t feel like playing worship and I play Broadway songs.

Today I tried again to learn more of the song I Am Not Alone, sung by Kari Jobe. I played it a few times with some struggle... ok, a lot of struggle. Then I heard this sweet whisper and God spoke to me,
Sing for Me. Just sing.

As Moses told God at the burning bush, I told God – I can’t do that. It’s hard to sing and play at the same time. I mess up a lot. I really mess up, like my hands can’t do it. My fingers get tangled and my voice shakes.

Then He said it again…
Just sing. I love for you to sing to Me. I never asked you to be perfect. I don’t care if you mess up.
You don’t need to be perfect. Just be you. I love your heart. Be you My daughter… just sing and play.

And so I played and sang. And there was peace and beauty in it. There was no fear. 

So, here I am learning to overcome fear. Learning that I have power to overcome this enemy of my soul. All this talk about fear reminds of one very powerful thing. Satan can do nothing without God’s permission. This fear will not overcome me. I know the God who wins every battle and that same God is fighting for me.

And it’s not the end.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Where am I going???

"so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well." 1 Thessalonians 2:8

These precious children are part of the Kory Wawanaca Children's Home. This is where I will be going on the mission trip in July!  The children's home is located deep in the Andes Mountains in Tacachia.  Please "LIKE" their Facebook page and show them support and make sure you look through all the sweet pictures of the kids. They're precious!  You can also visit their website at

These pictures are from the facebook page, I don't have any of my own yet, but will post plenty by the time I get back.

If you can please support us through prayer - praying for our team as we travel and work together.  If you are able to support me financially on the trip, that would be a wonderful blessing too. 

Please make your checks payable to Matthews UMC and in the “memo” section indicate "July 2013 - Bolivia - Autumn."  Gifts to the church, with an expression of a preference for trip expenses, are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  If for some reason I an unable to participate in the trip, your gifts will be used to support this mission program.

Please know your support is very much appreciated.   You can send the check to the church office:

Matthews United Methodist Church
801 South Trade Street
Matthews, NC  28105
Attn:  Becky Stegall

Thank you so much for all your past support and your prayers as we continue we share the light into this darkened part of the world.
May God continue to bless you and your family now and always.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

BOLIVIA 2013!!!

Thank you so much for watching the video.  If you can please support us through prayer - praying for our team as we travel and work together.  If you are able to support me financially on the trip, that would be a wonderful blessing too.  Please make your checks payable to Matthews UMC and in the “memo” section indicate "July 2013 - Bolivia - Autumn."  Gifts to the church, with an expression of a preference for trip expenses, are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  If for some reason I an unable to participate in the trip, your gifts will be used to support this mission program.

Please know your support is very much appreciated.   You can send the check to the church office:

Matthews United Methodist Church
801 South Trade Street
Matthews, NC  28105
Attn:  Becky Stegall

Thank you so much for all your past support and your prayers as we continue we share the light into this darkened part of the world.
May God continue to bless you and your family now and always.

A huge thank you to Mr. Joshua Marshman for helping me make this video for support. You are amazing! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Isaiah 54 - A Word of Encouragement

I wrote this piece a while back, months ago in fact, and kept telling myself I need to post it.  So today is the day.  Before I share my thoughts on Isaiah 54, I have to share something wonderful that happened as I was writing this piece. 

The day I was writing this, I was praying in my office at work, door was closed and I needed time alone.  I turned on an audio commentary from with David Guzik teaching on this chapter.  It was on in the background at first; I can’t write with music or people talking.  So I had started writing and praying, continually going back and forth to study.  I finally had to put the speaker completely on mute. 

I began to pray and tears were streaming down my face; fear can overwhelm me sometimes. {Just being completely vulnerable here} There are days when I feel very alone.  Despite the fact that I know I am loved, I forget God's promises and Satan attacks my heart and my mind.  It was one of those days.  

Honestly, I enjoy being single. It allows me to do things I may not be able to do as a married woman.  If I want to go out with friends on a Friday or take a random road trip, peace out! :)  I'm there!  It's nice.  And I have amazing friends and family, I love them all.  However, my heart still looks forward to one day being married with a husband/helpmate/lover and companion.  It is a desire.  And when you are single and work in ministry, let’s just say guys are not exactly beating down my door - which btw I don’t understand because we are so much fun!  And I think I’m pretty cute.  {hey, I am allowed to say that and say it with confidence.} ;) 

Anyways, as a single woman, watching so many of my friends get married and have children, it hits me with destructive thoughts, “Will my life ever move forward?” or “I need to get over this and understand that God just doesn’t have those plans for me, so I need to face facts.” 

Some people don’t believe that God speaks anymore like He did with Moses or Joshua, but I truly believe He does, because He continually speaks to me!  It has happened many times.  I don't understand it, but He confirms it every time and I know it's God.  THIS was just another wonderful instance. 

What happened?
So, when I was in my office praying, I prayed the Holy Spirit would comfort me, I think I actually uttered the words, ‘please help me. I just need to feel You.'    And I literally felt like He wrapped me in His arms and held me, it suddenly became very warm in my office.  Of course, I was crying, then I heard Him whisper “I Am enough.”  :)  

God was just reminding me of who He is and He is enough.  Everything I need.  It was encouraging to hear that, but that’s not all.  Then something odd and amazing happened… I dried my eyes and turned the commentary back on.  It had been playing but I had muted it.  When I turned it back up, the speaker was referencing verse 5. 

“For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name;
and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called.”
He read the verse, then he said, “It’s as if the Lord is saying to you ‘I Am enough.”
Ahhhhhhhh!  I was shocked!  I couldn’t believe that just happened!  J  God's perfect timing.  It was so wonderful to hear that confirmation.  I just had to share. 
Sorry this piece is long, but I do hope it is a blessing to someone out there reading this.  This was heavy on my heart for a while and felt like I should share.   Please post or share any thoughts, I love hearing from people! :) 
“Sing, O barren one, who did not bear;
break forth into singing and cry aloud, you who have not been in labor!
For the children of the desolate one will be more
than the children of her who is married,” says the Lord.

“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out;

do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.

For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your offspring will possess the nations and will people the desolate cities” {vs1 – 3}.

Isaiah 54 has been heavy on my heart.  I keep reading, trying to understand why God is pressing this on me. The first couple verses tell a once barren woman to now sing because she is no longer barren.  Why is this even mentioned? 

As I have been studying, I read that back then in Israel, it was a great disgrace for a woman to be unable to bear children.  So in her moments of feeling shameful, feeling alone and discouraged because of her struggle, the Lord is comforting her with a promise.  It’s a promise of restoration and blessing!  All that was the past, all the shame and loneliness she has felt, God is erasing and doing a new work.  He promises to restore and bless.  Israel will be restored like a woman who was once barren.  She is also compared to a widow without reproach.  As there is sadness that attacks a widow, God promises to stand in the place of her husband. 

“Fear not, for you will not be ashamed;
be not confounded, for you will not be disgraced;
for you will forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your
widowhood you will remember no more.
5 For your Maker is your husband,
the Lord of hosts is his name;
and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer,
the God of the whole earth he is called.
6 For the Lord has called you
like a wife deserted and grieved in spirit,
like a wife of youth when she is cast off,” says your God.
With compassion, God responds ‘don’t you realize who I am.  I Am.  I am your Maker, I designed you and have loved you with an everlasting love.  Before I even formed you in the womb, I knew you.'
“the Lord of hosts is my name” …means the God of Heavenly armies.  Wow.  How’s that for a husband?  Nothing and no one on earth can compare!  He is saying, ‘I am God Almighty – powerful, Sovereign, and still closer and more intimate than any earthly husband can be for you.’
“For a brief moment I deserted you,
but with great compassion I will gather you.
8 In overflowing anger for a moment I hid my face from you,
but with everlasting love I will have compassion on you,”
says the Lord, your Redeemer.”
God describes our trial from His perspective. God is calling us to trust Him, to remember who He is and that He will bring us restoration. 

For the mountains may depart
    and the hills be removed,
but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,
    and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,”
    says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
“O afflicted one, storm-tossed and not comforted,
    behold, I will set your stones in antimony,
    and lay your foundations with sapphires....
He is teaching us that even though something as steady as the mountains may move, but His kindness will never depart from us!  His compassion is always there and He is reaching out to comfort those that are hurting.  A couple weeks ago, I was praying and it had been an emotionally draining weekend. I was praying and felt as if the Holy Spirit was saying to me, “why do you cry as though I left you?  I have never left you.”   I felt like He had such compassion on me in that moment of weakness.  He didn't look down, slap me around and tell me to get over it, but God had compassion on me. 
Far too often I question His goodness. I doubt Him and I don’t trust.  I struggle with thinking that He may allow something to come into my life that hurts, I’m afraid of the risk.  Far too often I view God like I do a person... as someone full of sin and flaws. I forget that He is GOD. Not a god that we have created with our hands, not a god that we made-up, but GOD.. our Creator. He is everything. He is the beginning and the end; nothing compares to Him. He is the one true LIVING God.  
When we are feel as if we have hit our lowest point, we ‘feel’ poor, weak and as though we have nothing. God is comforting his child with these words, reminding them they are not without, they are not poor but they are “rich.”   
I love Isaiah 54 and I take it as a word of encouragement directly from God, as this is the Word of the Living God, which is something I easily forget far too often. I serve the living God, He is not dead but He answers when we call and He is our strength and encouragement when we need it. 
{~ A Thankful heart} 

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